What is Manual Wall Painting advertising?
Our Ancestors Mechanism to promote any product in ancient times was done verbally i.e., by words of mouth. There is a well-defined bond between Art and Advertisement, and the way to communicate it via the mouth or by making sculptures and paintings to promote the product was a very common and the most efficient way to advertise.
We can trace the tradition of wall painting with ancient Rock art Painting and inscription on walls as a prime source to promote a product or any sort of outdoor Publicity, but nowadays the things and the circumstances have been changed. A few decades back when there was no such advanced technology as today and the companies or the Marketer has to advertise for a product with very minimal resources to carry a fruitful result by NUKKAD NAATAK / street shows or by outdoor Hand Made Manual Wall Painting but today in 21st century the whole world turned into digitalization, everything thing is done online, but it is very hard for rural people to endure the digital world as there is a lack of familiarity.
Till date, the main mode of advertisement in rural areas are either by painting or by street shows still people are not aware of advanced technology keeping this in mind the strategy of promoting a product must be kept simpler bearing that the literacy level is not up to the mark, so the easiest way to spread awareness is wall painting which helps rural people to understand more efficiently. It’s the way to raise awareness among the rural community and a dream for every single entrepreneur or a Marketer to reach the rural areas at its utmost. It is willingly noticeable that the best technique used to promote an advertisement is to create a base of an artwork to carry the message to the purposive audience.