Manual Wall Painting is the most Economical OOH Media
Today whole advertising world depends upon what type of publicity they are dealing with. In today’s digital world there are various types of advertisements like Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Television and many more, one of them is outdoor advertising it is also called OOH (Out of home advertising), which helps today’s generation to get aware of newly launched products. Nowadays each n every single person is striving to satisfy their daily needs and they spent 70% of their time outside the home. OOH advertising helps the whole community to get aware of newly launched products. In Compression with various OOH Media like billboards, Hoarding, Kiosk, Bus Shelters, Unipoles only the Manual wall Painting is the most economical.
when the target viewer is common-man to advertise any FMCG, Construction Material, Telecom, Economical Automotive, undergarments etc then manual wall Painting is the most economical OOH Media. that why all cement telecom, undergarments brands spent 80% of the OOH advertising budget on Manual Wall Painting advertising.
The Key factors of Manual Wall Painting that make it the most Economical OOH Media are as below.
- Economical then Flex – For any Outdoor Advertising three costs are involved 1. Outdoor space Rent + 2. Print Media + 3. Media Installation Cost. Now the lowest quality of print media is normal non lit flex that cost Rs. 12.00 sq. ft. & Installation cost of Rs. 5-10 sq. ft., So the only Flex with its installation cost Rs. 20/- sq. ft. even the main cost space rent is need to be added. in compression to that average Wall Painting just cost Rs. 8/- to Rs. Rs. 12/- sq. ft. that includes all.
- No Recurring Cost – To Hire one Hoarding it’s based on a certain period only and the advertiser has to pay a good amount to display their outdoor ads however in wall painting the wall retain till others get painted the walls. sometimes it’s last for even 2-3 years also.
- Less Space Rent – wall painting sites rent is very nominal as compared to any hoarding rent.
- Zero Installation Cost – It doesn’t require any Installation cost as all cost is inclusive in wall painting.
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